Kaua'i Tourism News

Nāpali Coast State Wilderness Park largely free of rubbish and squatters 

A team of four officers from the state Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement flew into Kalalau yesterday to conduct a “sweep” of the beach and the valley and found only two of the 20 campers did not have a permit.

30th anniversary of Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary

Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary celebrates 30 years in November with Ho‘i Koholā, “welcome back whales” month.

Kauaʻi community group trying to buy Coco Palms from Utah owners planning 350-room hotel

I Ola Wailuanui has launched a grassroots fundraising campaign to purchase the derelict resort, which last sold at a foreclosure auction for $22 million in 2021.

Tourists build platform for Kennel for Lost Hunting Dogs in Kōke‘e

The kennels are intended to be a hunter lost-dog reclaim location, governed by the honor system, and dogs that have been placed in the kennels can be reclaimed from there at any time.

‘Hilo Hero’ Recounts Rescue of 15-Year-Old Girl From Abductor

There’s something to be said about being in the right place at the right time.

New Hospitality Program for High School Students Launched by ClimbHI

Hawaiʻi nonprofit ClimbHI has launched Hospitality for Me, a new statewide program that connects schools with hospitality industry resources to enhance education and job readiness for high school students.

Mo’ Money, No Problems: Visitor Industry Walk Raises Major Cash

The Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association kicked out this weekend the totals raised during the organization’s 43rd Visitor Industry Charity Walk, which raised $2.2 million statewide that will be distributed to local nonprofit organizations across the Aloha State.

Watch: Kauaʻi Remembers ʻIniki 30 Years Later

Thirty years ago today, Hurricane ʻIniki made landfall on the island of Kauaʻi as a Category 4 hurricane.

Public Input Sought on Innovation Grant Proposals

The County of Kaua‘i’s Office of Economic Development (OED) is inviting the public to review and comment on the recently received proposals for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Innovation Grants.

Culprits Behind KHS Break-In Remain At large

KHS is looking at updating its security system and installing cameras within the facility. In the meantime, the nonprofit has hired a patrol while the facility is closed to ensure the security and safety of the animals and staff.

Tourism Leaders Share Feedback From Kaua‘i Destination Management Action Plan

The initiatives within the DMAP report include educating visitors about mindful travel prior to and during their visit, supporting increased management and protection of the island’s natural resources, investing in the perpetuation of Hawaiian culture, supporting local businesses, and managing hot spot locations.

Community Meetings Planned to Update Public About Tourism Future

The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority and Kaua‘i Visitors Bureau invite the public to attend upcoming community meetings to learn about the plan and steps being taken to manage tourism and address visitor behaviors that adversely affect Kaua‘i.

Līhu‘e Business Association Discusses New Airport Plan With Community

The Līhu‘e Business Association met Thursday via Zoom to discuss abandoning the Līhu‘e Airport Master Plan and the work Hawai‘i Department of Transportation- Airports Division, or HIDOT-A, to formulate a new plan addressing infrastructure concerns at the facility.

Survey Gauges Residents’ Perspective on ‘Regenerative’ Tourism

A new survey by the University of Hawaiʻi, one of the first of its kind, suggests that “regenerative” tourism makes the tourism industry and tourists more attractive to residents of the islands.

HTA Chief Admin Officer to Depart Agency

The Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority announced Friday, July 8 that Chief Administrative Officer Keith Regan will be departing the agency on Aug. 3 to assume a new leadership role at the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.

Ige Includes 30 Bills on List of Intended Vetoes

Gov. David Ige on Monday, June 27, informed state lawmakers about his intent to veto several of the measures they passed during the 2022 state legislative session.

Tourism Survey Aims to Improve Guide Certification Process

The Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, in partnership with the Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association and the University of Hawaiʻi, are asking for people to offer their mana‘o by participating in a survey and offer feedback on the current certification process for tour guides in Hawaiʻi.

UH Hilo to Stream Free ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i Musical Featuring 40 Students

Melodic harmonies performed in the Hawaiian language (ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi) will fill the virtual premiere of a University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo keiki-friendly musical about a poetic mouse.

N. Shore Residents Express Frustration Over Hanalei Bridge Repairs During HDOT Community Meeting

A public informational meeting for Kaua‘i’s North Shore communities was held Wednesday, June 8, at the Hanalei School to provide updates, present information and collect public feedback on several ongoing and upcoming projects in the area.

Tourism Numbers Inches Away From Pre-COVID Figures

A total of 818,268 visitors came to the Hawaiian Islands in April 2022, representing a 96.3% recovery from April 2019 and the highest recovery rate since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hawai‘i.
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