Every Monday | 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm |
South parking lot (Kalepa Rd fronting Da Warehouse and across from Costco).
The weekly Monday Market in partnership with Kauai County Farm Bureau brings together farmers from Kekaha to Hanalei. Support Kauai’s farmers by frequenting this weekly value added farmers market featuring even more farm fresh produce, fruits and flowers, plus value-added Kaua’i Grown farm and food products. Located in the south parking lot on Kalepa Road fronting Da Warehouse and across from Costco, the Monday Pau Hana Market is open from 3:00pm-5:30pm, perfect for picking up ingredients after school or after work and stopping for dinner afterwards at the open air Food Court. Enjoy the live music from Cruz Control at the Market when you shop.
#KauaiCommunityCalendar #KauaiEvents #WhatsOnKauai #KukuiGroveCenter #KauaiCountyFarmBureau #KauaiFarmersMarket