Kauai News

Gerber recalls and discontinues teething stick products due to choking hazard

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Gerber Products Company is recalling and discontinuing its Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks because of a potential choking hazard for babies and young children.

The recalled products were distributed nationwide, including retail stores and supermarkets throughout Hawai‘i. This recall includes all lot codes and sizes of Gerber Soothe N Chew Strawberry Apple and Banana flavors. The Hawai‘i Department of Health Food and Drug Branch is following up with local stores to ensure that the recalled products are no longer available for sale.

The Food and Drug Branch advises consumers to verify if they purchased the recalled products. Consumers should not feed this product to their child and may return the product to the retailer where it was purchased for a refund.

Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact their health care provider and should call 911 immediately if it is an emergency. Nationally, one emergency room visit has been reported to Gerber to date.


Consumers may contact Gerber at 1-800-GERBER (1-800-443-7237) 24/7 for additional information.

  • Gerber Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks – Strawberry Apple 3.2 Oz (90g). UPC: 0 15000 04618 7 (Photo courtesy state Department of Health)
  • Gerber Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks – Banana 3.2 Oz (90g). UPC: 0 15000 04608 8 (Photo courtesy: state Department of Health)
  • Gerber Soothe N Chew Teething Sticks – Banana 1.59 Oz (45g). UPC: 0 15000 01015 7. (Photo courtesy: state Department of Health)


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