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Hit-and-run driver arrested after critically injuring 2 teenaged girls visiting Kauaʻi

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Noah Alejandro

A 25-year-old man from Kalāheo who allegedly was under the influence of an intoxicant was arrested for a Saturday night hit-and-run in Po‘ipū that critically injured two teenaged girls visiting Kauaʻi.

According to the Kauaʻi Police Department, at about 9:40 p.m. on Saturday officers were dispatched to a report of a traffic crash involving a vehicle and two pedestrians on Po‘ipū Road fronting the Po‘ipū Beach Athletic Club.

The 13-year-old and 15-year-old female victims were transported to Wilcox Medical Center and later medevaced to the Queen’s Medical Center on O‘ahu.


The investigation identified the motorist as 25-year-old Noah Alejandro, who was operating a pickup truck traveling eastbound on Po‘ipū Road when he struck the two victims crossing the road. Police say Alejandro fled the scene and abandoned the vehicle in a hotel parking lot.

He turned himself in to Kauaʻi Police Department at approximately 12:06 a.m. on Sunday morning. Alejandro was arrested for two counts of first degree negligent injury, accidents involving serious bodily injury, inattention to driving, reckless driving and operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant. He was released pending further investigation.

Po‘ipū Road was closed in both directions for approximately three hours while the Kaua‘i Police Department’s Traffic Safety Section conducted an on-scene investigation.


The investigation remains ongoing at this time. Anyone who has information regarding the crash is advised to contact Traffic Safety Section Officers Russell Himongala or Shawn Hanna at 808-241-1610.

Those wishing to remain anonymous can provide information by calling Crime Stoppers Kaua‘i at 808-246-8300, submitting a tip at cskauai.org, or through the Crime Stoppers Kaua‘i P3 Tips Mobile App.

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