State Approves Second Retail Location for Kaua‘i’s Sole Medical Cannabis Dispensary
Kaua‘i’s sole medical cannabis dispensary is opening a second location.
The Hawai‘i State Department of Health has approved Green Aloha, Ltd.’s application to open a retail facility in Koloa at 2827 Poipu Rd. Green Aloha expects to begin sales on Saturday.
“Green Aloha’s new dispensary will provide much needed access to patients on the southside of Kauai,” said Liam Gimon, Medical Cannabis License Program Section supervisor.
As of Aug. 31, a total of 34,093 in-state patients, and 2,811 caregivers were registered with medical marijuana cards statewide, according to a DOH press release put out this afternoon.
According to Tami Whitney, Medical Cannabis Registry Program supervisor, “The primary reported condition for registered adult patients is severe pain and the primary reported conditions for children under 18 years of age are seizures and severe pain.”
Registered patients and their caregivers may purchase up to four ounces of medical cannabis during a 15-consecutive day period and purchase a maximum of eight ounces over a 30-consecutive day period. When bringing medical cannabis home after purchasing it from a dispensary, the medical cannabis must be in a sealed container and not visible to the public, according to the DOH release.
All use of medical cannabis must be on private property and may not be used in any moving vehicle, at work, at the beach, on hiking trails or in any other public space. It is illegal to use or possess medical cannabis on any federally-owned property such as military installations and national parks.
More information on the Medical Cannabis Dispensary Program is available at