Kauai News

Lāwa‘i Man in Critical Condition After Multiple Traffic Crashes

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A Lāwa‘i man is in critical condition at a Līhuʻe hospital after being involved in multiple traffic crashes late Friday night, Sept. 9.

The identity of the 52-year-old man has not been released. A preliminary report indicates alcohol and speed might have been factors.

According to preliminary reports by the Kaua‘i Police Department, shortly after 11:15 p.m. Friday police dispatch received a report of a white Toyota SUV heading west on Kaumuali‘i Highway that struck a vehicle near the Kaua‘i Humane Society and fled the scene. The driver of the vehicle that was hit reported no injuries.

Shortly after, the white Toyota SUV rear-ended a silver Toyota pickup truck west of the Halfway Bridge and continued westbound. The Toyota pickup driver also reported no injuries.


The white Toyota SUV later struck a silver Nissan sedan operated by a 34-year-old driver with a 3-year-old passenger. The occupants of the Nissan were treated for non-life threatening injuries and later released from Wilcox Medical Center in Līhuʻe.

The white Toyota SUV later came to rest on its side on the east guardrail. The driver was extricated and transported to Wilcox Medical Center.

Kaumuali‘i Highway near the Halfway Bridge was closed for approximately three hours.


The cause of the crashes is under investigation by the Kauaʻi Police Department Traffic Safety Unit.

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