First Installment of FY 2022-23 Real Property Taxes Due Next Month
The county is notifying and reminding Kaua‘i property owners that their first installment of real property taxes for fiscal year 2022-23 is coming due.
The first installment is due Aug. 22. Real property taxes are normally due annually on Aug. 20. However, since Aug. 20 falls on a Saturday, taxpayers will be allowed to pay the following Monday without incurring any penalty.
Payments can be made online, by mail, in person or at the drop box located outside the Kapulē Building at the Līhu‘e Civic Center. Checks should be made payable to the Director of Finance.
No appointments are necessary to visit the Real Property Collections Division, but remote payment options are preferred.
Failure to pay the first installment of real property taxes in full by Aug. 22 will result in a 10% penalty as well as 12% interest per year.
Real property tax bills were mailed out July 20. Any property owners who have not yet received their bill can call the Real Property Collections Division at 808-241-4272.
For more information, contact the Real Property Collections Division at the number above, by email at or visit the division’s website.