Police to Host Third Coffee With a Cop
The public is invited to have a cup of coffee with police during the third Coffee With a Cop event of the year.
The event is scheduled for 8-10 a.m. Thursday, June 30, at the Kukui Grove Center Starbucks in Līhuʻe.
“With our first two events being such a success, we look forward to bringing this great event to Līhuʻe,” Police Chief Todd Raybuck, who will attend Thursday’s event, said in a press release.
Coffee With a Cop is an opportunity to meet and greet community police officers in a casual setting. The event is agenda-free, and the public is welcome to discuss topics, such as crime prevention, with officers one-on-one.
Coffee With a Cop allows the community to develop trust and nurture a meaningful bond with police officers.
“We really encourage people to join us to discuss any concerns they have, with hopes of making their community an even safer place to live,” Raybuck said in the press release. “We are here for you, and we want people to feel comfortable talking to us, which is why we host these in such a relaxing setting.”
To learn more about Coffee with a Cop, click here.