Kauai News

Portions of Pu‘u Road in Kālaheo to Close till July 21

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June 23 to July 1, road closure from 2121 Pu‘u Road to Lolo Road.  One-way traffic headed eastbound will be allowed for local traffic only within the closure at this time. Other portions will follow after this one. PC: County of Kaua’i.

The Department of Public Works and its contractor Maui Kupuno Builders announced that portions of Pu‘u Road in Kālaheo will be closed June 23 to July 21, weekdays, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., weather permitting.

The lane closures are necessary for road resurfacing work.

Lane closures will occur during the following dates and locations:


· June 23 to July 1, road closure from 2121 Pu‘u Road to Lolo Road. One-way traffic headed eastbound will be allowed for local traffic only within the closure at this time.

· July 12 to July 14, single-lane closures with alternating traffic in both directions from Papalina Road to Lolo Road.

· July 15 to July 19, road closure from 2121 Pu‘u Road to Lolo Road. One-way traffic headed eastbound will be allowed for local traffic only within the closure at this time.


· July 20 and July 21, single-lane closures with alternating traffic in both directions from Papalina Road to 2121 Pu‘u Road.

Make the appropriate arrangements to accommodate the necessary road closures, use alternate routes, and allow extra time to get to destinations. During this time, no parking will be allowed in the work zones. Flaggers will be positioned at both ends of the work zone to direct traffic.

Anyone with questions may contact Maui Kupono Builders at 808-369-1800 or Todd Ozaki at the County of Kaua‘i at 808-241-4845.

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