
Applications open for second building in Kai Olino affordable housing project on Kaua‘i

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After delayed construction due to a fire, an affordable housing project in ‘Ele‘ele has finally begun accepting applications.

The waitlist for Kai Olino Family Apartments, located on Okupu Street near Port Allen Harbor, opened on March 17 for the first building, which consists of 23 units. Applications are now closed. The first 250 applicants will be included in a lottery for the units, which will take place via Zoom today.

Applications for the second building, which includes 27 units, opened on March 22, with a deadline of April 7. The lottery for the second building will take place on April 8.

According to a Kaua‘i County press release, the anticipated occupancy date for the first building is April 7, while the second building is expected to be ready by May 20. Housing preferences will be given to residents employed as teachers and essential workers.


Rental rates are based on 30%–100% of the area median income.

The O‘ahu-based development company, Āhē Group, selected EAH Housing, an affordable housing nonprofit organization, to manage Kai Olino Family Apartments, which features 73 multifamily apartments overlooking Hanapēpē Bay at the Port Allen Commercial Pier, offering two- and three-bedroom units and an outdoor community space with ocean views.

Construction of the Kai Olino affordable housing project was temporarily halted in 2024 when one of its two “Phase One” buildings was gutted by fire in the early morning hours of Feb. 25.


Damages were estimated at $20 million to rebuild.

Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a structure fire on Okupu Street in ‘Ele‘ele shortly before 12:45 a.m. on Sunday. Photo Courtesy: County of Kaua‘i

In January, Kaua‘i Firefighters were called to the apartments once again, where inspectors believe a fire at the affordable housing project was intentionally set. Damages to the structure and its contents were estimated at $15,000.

The first 250 applications received for each building will be included in their respective lotteries, while subsequent applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Interested applicants must apply separately for each lottery pool.


A third lottery will be held in early 2026 for the final 23-unit building. Prospective residents can apply at:

The EAH Housing and Āhē Group partnership now serves more than 500 residents across seven properties and 345 apartments throughout Kaua‘i.

Makani Maeva, President of Āhē Group, said the company is excited to continue its work on Kaua‘i to expand housing opportunities for Garden Isle residents.

“Together with our partners at EAH Housing, we are confident that Kai Olino Family Apartments will become a thriving community where generations of Kaua‘i families can live, grow, and prosper,” Maeva said.

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