
‘Ready, set, go!’: New playgrounds open at Pacific Missile Range Facility Child Development Center

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“Ready, set, go!” said Pacific Missile Range Facility Air Operations Officer Cmdr. Riley Schoen as he cut the ribbon, letting keiki, including his daughter Ruth, onto a new playground at the U.S. Navy base’s Child Development Center.

Preschoolers climb to the top as they explore their new playground at the Pacific Missile Range Facility Child Development Center after a ribbon-cutting ceremony March 4, 2025. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)

A ribbon-cutting ceremony March 4 officially opened two new playgrounds at the Barking Sands facility in Kekaha following 4 months of demolition and construction.

The playgrounds — one for preschool children and another for toddlers — feature a popular treehouse-style theme. New fencing, extra-large canopies for shade, new bike paths and fall protection also were part of the project.

“Each playground was carefully designed to be developmentally appropriate for the age group it serves, offering opportunities for exploration and imagination amongst the children,” said Pacific Missile Range Facility’s new Child and Youth Program Director Stephanie Baclig.

She said the base and Child Development Center are thrilled to open the new playgrounds, adding they promote interaction and encourage physical development.


Officials and center staff look forward to watching keiki thrive in the new spaces for years to come.

“Our family has been talking about this new playground almost every day since they started construction, so this is very exciting,” said Schoen during the March 4 ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Child Development Center staff and students enjoy the new playground facilities following a ribbon-cutting ceremony March 4, 2025. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)

The new playgrounds, their installation and removal of the old structures and bike path were funded by Commander Navy Installation Command. They also are part of the command’s standardized playsets.

“This is a wonderful demonstration of our appreciation for our military and their families,” said Pacific Missile Range Facility Fleet and Family Readiness Director Jeffrey Shaw. “To know that your children are in a fun and safe environment with caring professionals who share in their development, is priceless.”


Pacific Missile Range Facility plans to continue investing into its quality child care facility with future installation of a canopy and new energy efficient improvements.

The Child Development Center is also seeking to fill open positions, offering hiring bonuses, U.S. Navy Child and Youth Programs employee discounts for child care and a transfer program for eligible employees.

Pacific Missile Range Facility’s Child Development Center provides a child care program for families of its sailors, military personnel, U.S. Department of Defense civilian employees and its contractors.

Children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old are eligible.

  • An excited preschooler runs through the ribbon while another student attempts to go under it to be the first to play on the new playground structures March 4, 2025, during the ribbon-cutting ceremony. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)
  • Preschoolers, amazed at their new playground, prepare to run and play March 4, 2025, during the ribbon-cutting ceremony. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)
  • Pacific Missile Range Facility and Child and Youth Program staff tour the Child Development Center’s new toddler playground after a ribbon-cutting ceremony officially opened the facility March 4, 2025. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)
  • Pacific Missile Range Facility’s new Child and Youth Program Director Stephanie Baclig accompanies a child on the musical station during the opening of the new playgrounds March 4, 2025, at the base’s Child Development Center. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)
  • Pacific Missile Range Facility Air Operations Officer Cmdr. Riley Schoen with his daughter Ruth, alongside Fleet and Family Readiness Director Jeffrey Shaw, Child and Youth Program Director Stephanie Baclig and Lead Sarah Silva during a ribbon-cutting ceremony March 4, 2025, to mark the opening of two new playgrounds at the base’s Child Development Center. (Photo Courtesy: U.S. Navy/Photo by Public Affairs Officer Jonell Kaohelauli’i)

Pacific Missile Range Facility offers a youth program, as well, that provides after-school care for students age 5 to 12 years old and is available during school breaks and non-instruction school days.

Click here or call 808-335-4453 to learn more about the Child Development Center, its youth programs and other services.

You also can view a list of Child Development Center job opportunities online.

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