
State launches backyard bird flu survey for flock owners, bird rescuers

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Hawaiʻi residents who keep backyard poultry flocks or are involved in bird rescue are asked to participate in a new survey aimed at gathering important data about bird flu awareness and preparedness.

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The Hawaiʻi Department of Health is conducting a backyard bird flu survey to collect critical information about the understanding of bird flu as well as the practices and needs of those who keep poultry or care for rescued birds.

“We want to better understand the potential exposures that backyard flock owners and bird rescuers face when it comes to avian influenza so we can help prevent future human bird flu infections in partnership with the community,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble. “By reaching out through both digital and in-person methods, we hope to get wide participation and honest feedback.”

The survey is anonymous and accessible online.


Only Hawaiʻi residents who keep at least one poultry bird at home, those involved in bird rescue activities or had direct contact with birds in the past year for other reasons are requested to participate.

Residents are encouraged to complete the survey as soon as possible.

Call the state Health Department disease reporting line at 808-586-4586 or email to for questions about the survey or bird flu.


Contact your primary care provider for evaluation and testing as well as the disease reporting line above for further guidance if you have symptoms and a known exposure to bird flue within the past 10 days.

More information about bird flu can be found on the state Health Department website.

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