
Construction of raised crosswalk at deadly Kauaʻi intersection to begin Feb. 14

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The crosswalks at the intersection between Kūhiō Highway and Kawaihau Road at the north end of Kapa‘a town. Taken Jan. 22, 2025. (Scott Yunker/Kaua‘i Now)

Two months ago, after a get-together with friends on Christmas, 44-year-old Aaron Dorney-Sundquist was fatally struck while walking his bicycle on a marked crosswalk across Kūhiō Highway at the intersection of Kawaihau Road in Kapaʻa.

In the past four years, Kaua‘i police said there were 17 crashes at that intersection. Two involved either a pedestrian or a cyclist, with Dorney-Sundquist the lone fatality.

To make the intersection safer, construction will begin Feb. 14 to raise the crosswalk on Kawaihau Road. It is part of the Kapa‘a Town resurfacing project by Hawai‘i Department of Transportation, which has been on the books since 2021.

Kathie Dorney, the mother of Dorney-Sundquist, said she is encouraged that the state is taking measures to prevent another tragedy, but added: “I’m sorry it happened after my son died.”

The crosswalk improvements in this project also include constructing curb extensions, adding rectangular rapid flashing beacons and activated overhead lighting, and installing a raised area in the middle of the road, known as a refuge island, at several locations.


The state also is installing an LED-enhanced “speed hump” warning sign to bring additional awareness to drivers heading in the southbound direction, where speeds are reduced heading into town.

The speed limit on Kūhiō Highway near the crosswalk, between mile markers 9.22 and 9.76 and 9.98 to 10.33, were reduced to 35 mph from 40 mph in June to provide a more manageable and consistent flow of traffic for pedestrians and motorists using the highway. It dropped again in the following months to 25 mph, according to the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation.

“Reducing speed limits alone doesn’t quite cut it,” said Eduardo Hernandez, advocacy director with the Hawai‘i Bicycling League. “It’s the infrastructure of the road that guides the motorist.”

Raised crosswalks, traffic circles and other physical enhancements to the road force people to go slower, Hernandez said: “They go as fast as the road will let them.”

The Hawai‘i Bicycling League, an O‘ahu-based nonprofit, identified the Kawaihau Road crosswalk as high risk because of its connection to the coastal Ke Ala Makalae Bike Path and Kawaihau Spur Elevated Boardwalk on the mauka (mountain) side of Kūhiō Highway, which attracts pedestrians and cyclists.


Hernandez said motorists need to be more aware of the surroundings at that intersection.

“Bicyclists have every right to share the road,” he said. “Roads need to be engineered for all users.”

Following the crash, Hernandez said the league asked the state for a timeline on the crosswalk project.

“We also let the family know that the crosswalk was scheduled to have this improvement and encouraged them to get in touch with DOT,” Hernandez said.

Aaron Dorney-Sunquist and mom Kathie Dorney. (Photo courtesy: Kathie Dorney)

On Dec. 25, a 2008 Toyota sedan was traveling north at about 6:50 p.m. on Kūhiō Highway when it struck Dorney-Sundquist while he was crossing the highway with his bicycle in a marked crosswalk at the intersection with Kawaihau Road, according to press releases from the Kaua‘i Police Department.


The death of Dorney-Sundquist, a 20-year resident of Kauaʻi, is still under investigation by Kaua‘i Police Department. Once their report is completed, it will be forwarded to the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney for review to determine whether charges will be filed against the driver of the car, according to Kaua‘i police officials.

Police have not yet released the name of the driver.

Kathie Dorney said there’s only been one day that she hasn’t cried since learning about her son’s death.

Friends hold memorial for Aaron Dorney-Sundquist on Jan. 13, 2025, after he was fatally killed in a vehicle crash in December 2024. (Photo courtesy: Schele Triplett)

“It’s so hard to lose somebody and then not have answers,” said Dorney, who lives in Arizona.

She said news of the construction of the raised crosswalk gives her some peace of mind.

Dorney spent at least two weeks on Kaua‘i trying to get answers from police following the crash. She ended up meeting many of Dorney-Sundquist’s friends who held a celebration of life for her son.

“I couldn’t have made it without them,” Dorney said. “My son loved people, and they loved him. They treated me with such kindness, grace and generosity, I can’t thank them enough.”

Dorney said finally saw the police report on Jan. 22, which revealed Dorney-Sundquist was dragged 26 feet. She is seeking an attorney on O‘ahu for advice about how to hold those involved in the crash accountable.

More on the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation’s safety improvement plan for the crosswalk can be found at

Tiffany DeMasters
Tiffany DeMasters is a reporter for Kauai Now. Tiffany worked as the cops and courts reporter for West Hawaii Today from 2017 to 2019. She also contributed stories to Ke Ola Magazine and Honolulu Civil Beat. Tiffany is an award-winning journalist, receiving recognition from the Utah-Idaho-Spokane Associated Press and Society of Professional Journalists. Tiffany grew up on the Big Island and is passionate about telling the community’s stories.
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