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Update: North shores of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau see higher than normal surf conditions

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Update at 8:54 p.m. Jan. 24: The mix of northwest and north-northwest swells continued to produce advisory-level surf for north shores of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau, which National Weather Service forecasters in Honolulu expected to last overnight Jan. 24 and into the morning Jan. 25.

Therefore, the high surf advisory for those shores was extended through 6 a.m. Jan. 25, as surf of 12 to 16 feet produced strong breaking waves and strong currents that were expected to make swimming and other ocean activities dangerous.

The public was reminded to heed all advice from ocean safety officials. Remember: When in doubt, don’t go out.

Original post from 6:21 p.m. Jan. 21: The seemingly relentless pounding of the north shores this winter continues as yet another round of high surf has arrived, this time in the form of a large short-period northwest swell that will peak tonight into Thursday morning.


That swell will be followed by a large medium-period north to north-northwest swell Thursday afternoon into Friday.

Because of the new round of high seas, National Weather Service forecasters in Honolulu issued a high surf advisory for the north shores of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau now in effect until 6 p.m. Friday, with surf expected to rise up to 12 to 16 feet along the northern coastlines of both islands.

Breakers from these latest swells will cause moderate impacts that will include strong breaking waves and strong currents that will make swimming — and likely other ocean activities — dangerous.


The public is urged to heed all advice from ocean safety officials. When in doubt, don’t go out.

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