
Rising through the ranks: 11 officers celebrated during Kaua‘i Police Department promotion ceremony

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Kaua‘i County Mayor Derek Kawakami (front, third from left) congratulates Kaua‘i Police Department’s newly promoted officers, celebrating their dedication to the Kaua‘i community. (Photo Courtesy: Kaua‘i Police Department)

Family, friends and their fellow brothers in blue gathered Thursday watched and celebrated Thursday as 11 members of the Kaua‘i Police Department rose through the ranks to receive promotions.

A ceremony at Kaua‘i Veterans Center in Līhuʻe honored the contributions of the officers to community safety and showcased their dedication to serving Kaua‘i as they step into new leadership positions.

Sgts. Anthony Abalos, Kevin Gras and Matthew Tavares were promoted to the rank of lieutenant. Officers Richard Brown Jr., Shawn Hanna, Patrick Hutton, Delhart Numazu III, Eric Ogihara, David Phillips, Hiro Shimada and Tyler Uratsuka were promoted to the rank of sergeant.


Police Chaplain Jade Wai‘ale‘ale Battad started the ceremony with an invocation followed by family members pinning new badges on their loved ones, marking their official upgraded ranks.

Kaua‘i Police Chief Todd Raybuck acknowledged the vital role of a police officer’s family in his remarks during the promotion ceremony.

“The work of a law enforcement officer often comes with long hours and personal sacrifice. Behind each officer is a family who provides the love and support that makes their service possible,” said Raybuck. “To the families here today — your unwavering commitment is a key part of their success, and we thank you for standing by their side as they continue to serve the people of Kaua‘i.”


The ceremony was a powerful reflection of each officer’s commitment to excellence and their deep connection to the community.

“We are proud to honor these officers for their exceptional service and leadership,” Raybuck said.

Family and friends gather to celebrate Kaua‘i Police Department’s newly promoted officers as they take the next step in their leadership roles. (Photo Courtesy: Kaua‘i Police Department)

Be a part of the next Kaua‘i Police Academy class.


Recruitment for the force is ongoing. Salary for a police officer ranges from about $72,000 to more than $118,000 and includes a robust benefit package.

Qualifications include a high school diploma or equivalent, valid driver’s license and being at least 20 years old.

Applicants also should not have any misdemeanor, felony or domestic violence convictions.

Find out more by visiting the Kaua‘i Police Department recruitment website.

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