Kauai News

Slope stabilization to close one lane of Kūhiō Highway at the Waikoko turn for 7 months

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The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation notifies highway users about a single lane closure of Kūhiō Highway (Route 560) at the Waikoko hairpin turn for emergency slope stabilization.

A map points to the Waikoko hairpin turn on Kūhiō Highway. (Courtesy: Hawai’i Department of Transportation)

The closure will affect the makai, Hāʻena-bound lane of Kūhiō Highway at milepost 4.7, the Waikoko turn, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16, through Saturday, Jan. 18.

The closure will then be in effect for 24 hours a day from Tuesday, Jan. 21 through Saturday, Aug. 30.

Traffic in both directions will be maintained by alternating traffic flow through the open lane and flaggers will be at the site to direct the alternating traffic during working hours. When the 24-hour lane closure is in effect, a traffic signal will be placed to guide alternating traffic.


The closure is needed to begin the slope stabilization as the contractor will be clearing and grubbing the lower slope and shoulder to make room for a barrier that will be installed at the base of the slope, according to the Department of Transportation.

During the 24-hour closure, the contractor will be trimming vegetation on the slope and installing anchor nails and mesh to anchor loose soil to stable underlying rock.

The Department of Transportation declared a traffic emergency zone for the area, pursuant to Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes Section 264-1.5, which allows the department to expedite procurement and permitting to construct improvements that protect access to state highways.


For weekly lane closures on Kauaʻi, visit the department’s website here.

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