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‘Suspicious’ fire at affordable housing project intentionally set, Kaua‘i fire officials say

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Damages to the structure and its contents are estimated at $15,000. (Photo courtesy: Kaua‘i County)

Fire inspectors believe a “suspicious” fire at an affordable housing project was intentionally set, according to Kaua‘i County officials.

Kaua‘i Fire Department firefighters were dispatched to the blaze at the Kai Olino affordable housing project, now under construction in ‘Ele‘ele, shortly after midnight on Wednesday. A preliminary report states they found pieces of wood on fire at the base of the building’s exterior.

The firefighters quickly extinguished the fire and found no signs of fire extension in the building. The structure was unoccupied.


Fire inspectors with the Kaua‘i Fire Prevention Bureau arrived and continued to investigate the cause of the fire. Personnel noticed the pieces of wood that were on fire were neatly placed at the corner of the burnt structure, and an exterior window had been shattered.

Officials believe the fire was intentionally set. Damages to the structure and its contents are estimated at $15,000.

This is not the first time firefighters have responded to the Kai Olino construction site. A structure fire reported shortly before 12:45 a.m. on Feb. 25, 2024, resulted in damages requiring an estimated $20 million to rebuild.


Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Kaua‘i Police Department Dispatch at 808-241-1711. Those wishing to remain anonymous can provide information by calling Crime Stoppers Kaua‘i at 808-246-8300, submitting a tip at cskauai.org, or through the Crime Stoppers Kaua‘i P3 Tips Mobile App.

Kai Olino is a privately-owned affordable housing project currently in development in the Port Allen area of ‘Ele‘ele. The project will eventually provide 75 new housing units, across three separate buildings, for the people of Kaua‘i.

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