Kauai News

Results are in for top 2024 story on Kaua‘i

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With only days left until the start of 2025, Kaua‘i Now readers have determined the year’s top story, which is the latest in the decades-long soap opera surrounding the once-grand Coco Palms Resort.

Out of the 267 people who participated in the poll, the plans to rebuild the hotel destroyed in 1992 by Hurricane Iniki garnered the most votes, with 96.

The Coco Palms property, located just off the Kuhio Highway and across the street from Wailua Beach, is seen on Aug. 30, 2024. (Emma Grunwald / Kaua'i Now)
The Coco Palms property, located just off the Kuhio Highway and across the street from Wailua Beach, is seen on Aug. 30, 2024. (Emma Grunwald / Kaua’i Now)

Mainland developer Reef Capital Partners said their planned hotel will have an emphasis on Wailua’s culture and history, with a “cultural advisory committee” that is advising them on local issues. However, the project has been met with lawsuits and some backlash from the community.

A helicopter crash in July that left the pilot and two passengers dead finished in second, with 50 votes. Witnesses to the tragedy off northern Kaua‘i experienced a “huge” gust of wind followed by a very loud “bang” noise, according to a preliminary report issued by the National Transportation Safety Board.


Coming in third was the story about the norovirus outbreak on Kalalau Trail along the Nā Pali Coast.

All 11 miles of Kaua‘i’s iconic trail shut down for weeks in September and October due to the breakout. At least 50 hikers were impacted, with some blaming rancid toilet conditions.

Full poll results:

  • Rebuild of Coco Palms Resort: 96 (35%)
  • Tour helicopter crash kills passengers and pilot: 50 (18%)
  • Norovirus outbreak on Kalalau Trail: 28 (10%)
  • Threat against former Councilman Billy DeCosta: 24 (8%)
  • Resignation of Kaua‘i Police Chief Todd Raybuck: 21 (7%)
  • Nurses at Wilcox Medical Center fight for safe staffing: 13 (4%)
  • Brush fires over the summer: 13 (4%)
  • Kaua‘i hālau places second overall at Merrie Monarch Hula Festival: 9 (3%)
  • Tatiana Weston-Webb snags silver in surfing during the Paris Olympics: 9 (3%)
  • Other. What was the top story in your opinion? 4 (1%)


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