
Spreading holiday cheer to keiki in need

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Kaua‘i Police Department once again teamed up with the Līhu‘e Target, Friends of the Children’s Justice Center and other Garden Isle first responder agencies to be “Heroes and Helpers” and spread holiday cheer to local keiki and their families.

Kaua‘i Police Chief Mark Ozaki was on hand Dec. 11, 2024, to shop at Target in Līhu‘e with one of the participants in this year’s Kaua‘i Police Department’s Heroes and Helpers event. (Photo Courtesy: Kaua‘i Police Department)

This year’s event included first responders from Kaua‘i Police Department, Kaua‘i Fire Department, Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Coast Guard and Kaua‘i County Ocean Safety Bureau.

Each of the 69 keiki who participated was given a $100 gift card provided by Friends of the Children’s Justice Center to shop with first responders at the Līhu‘e Target and check off the items on their holiday wish list.

Kaua‘i Police Department worked with partnering agencies including Child Welfare Services, YWCA Kaua‘i and Kaua‘i County Office of the Prosecuting Attorney to identify families in need with children younger than 17 years old.


Keiki also enjoyed a pepperoni and cheese pizza party courtesy of Friends of the Children’s Justice Center.

“We are so thankful and excited to participate in a positive experience with our island keiki and hopeful that our children will develop fond memories and trust with our Kaua‘i police officers and other first responder partners,” said Kaua‘i Deputy Police Chief Mark Ozaki. “Mahalo to Target, the Friends of the Children’s Justice Center our first responders, and all our partners and agencies involved.”

  • This year’s Kaua‘i Police Department Heroes and Helpers event Dec. 11, 2024, at Target in Līhu‘e included first responders from the Kaua‘i Police Department, Kaua‘i Fire Department, Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, U.S. Coast Guard, and Kaua‘i County Ocean Safety Bureau. (Photo Courtesy: Kaua‘i Police Department)
  • Children were given a $100 gift card, graciously provided by the friends of the Children’s Justice Center, to shop with first responders at Target in Līhu‘e during Kaua‘i Police Department’s Heroes and Helpers event Dec. 11, 2024. (Photo Courtesy: Kaua‘i Police Department)


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