Hawaii News

US Coast Guard rescues 5 people after vessel capsizes off Kaua‘i

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Five people were rescued Tuesday afternoon after their vessel capsized in waters outside Nāwiliwili Harbor on Kaua‘i.

Personnel at U.S. Coast Guard Station Kaua‘i overheard a transmission about 5 people on a capsized boat in the water outside the harbor and notified U.S. Coast Guard Sector Honolulu command center watchstanders shortly after 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.

A U.S. Coast Guard Station Kaua‘i crew member assists survivors onto the 45-foot response boat duing a rescue mission after their boat capsized in waters outside Nāwiliwili Harbor on Tuesday, Dec. 10. (U.S. Coast Guard photo/Station Kaua‘i)

Watchstanders issued an urgent marine information broadcast and launched a 45-foot response boat wih a medium crew from Station Kaua‘i.

The response boat and its crew arrived at 2:48 p.m. to the location of the capsized vessel and found 1 person on the hull of the 15-foot boat and the 4 others in the water. None of them were wearing life jackets.


All five were rescued from the water and their boat was righted and placed in a tow. The response boat and its crew then transported the previously capsized vessel and its survivors to Nāwiliwili Harbor.

No injuries were reported.

“We remind all boaters to properly equip their vessels with safety gear, such as life jackets, emergency beacons and reliable communication devices,” said Petty Officer 3rd Class Austin J. Santos, communications unit controller with Sector Honolulu command center. “Wearing a life jacket can significantly reduce the risk of drowning during an emergency.”

  • A U.S. Coast Guard Station Kaua‘i crew member bails water out of boat that was capsized after righting it Tuesday, Dec. 10, outside Nāwiliwili Harbor. (U.S. Coast Guard photo/Station Kaua‘i)
  • A U.S. Coast Guard Station Kaua‘i crew member bails water out of previously capsized vessel after it was righted Tuesday, Dec. 10, following the rescue of 5 people who were aboard, in waters outside Nāwiliwili Harbor. (U.S. Coast Guard photo/Station Kaua‘i)


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