Registration open for 2025 Mini Hoopster, Junior Hoopster basketball
Registration for the 2025 Mini Hoopster and Junior Hoopster basketball leagues is open today and Wednesday.

In-person registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the following locations:
- Līhu‘e Neighborhood Center.
- Kalāheo Neighborhood Center.
- Hanapēpē Neighborhood Center.
- Waimea Neighborhood Center.
You can also download a registration form from the Kaua‘i County Parks and Recreation website and email the completed form to to register.
The Mini Hoopster League is open to boys and girls in kindergarten and first grade. Boys and girls in second and third grade can play in the Junior Hoopster League.
The basketball season runs from January to February, with games scheduled on Saturdays, Jan. 25 and Feb. 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2025, at the Kalāheo Neighborhood Center gym.
There is no cost to participate in either basketball league.
For more information, contact Bronson Carvalho at 808-241-4465 or via email at