
‘Every light, every voice and every action make a difference’

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Violence against women and girls is one of the most pervasive human rights violations.

It knows no barriers. It happens at home, in the workplace, in open spaces, in every nation and in every culture, affecting millions during times of peace and conflict.

Courtesy of Zonta Club of Kaua‘i

Psychological, physical and sexual, violence against women and girls takes on many vile forms — rape, child marriage, human trafficking, to name just a few.

It threatens countries, inhibits economic progress and prevents women from contributing to their community and creating better lives for themselves and their families.

It is a global threat, and Zonta International — an organization that stands for women’s rights, advocating for equality, education and end to child marriage and gender-based violence — says enough is enough.


Zonta clubs around the globe, including the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i, are taking part in the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign, 16 days of activism from Nov. 25 through Dec. 10 to influence local, national and international legislation and change gender-based attitudes and behaviors in an effort to end violence againt women and girls for good.

“From promoting activism to sharing valuable resources, our goal is to raise awareness and provide support to individuals and families in need,” said Lori Barrett, chairwoman of the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i Advocacy Committee. “Together, we can help create a community where everyone feels safe and supported.”

The Historic County Building will bask in an orange glow from Nov. 25 to Dec. 10, showing solidarity with the Zonta campaign and others that oppose violence against women.

The color orange was chosen because it’s bright, optimistic and represents a future free from violence. Businesses are encouraged to use an orange light(s) during the 16 days to spread the message around the island.


Zonta Club of Kaua‘i President Regina Carvalho emphasized the importance of community involvement.

“We believe that change begins at the community level,” said Carvalho. “By coming together during the 16 days of activism, we not only raise awareness about the devastating impact of gender-based violence but also show solidarity in our commitment to creating a safer, brighter future for women and girls here on Kaua‘i.

“Every light, every voice and every action make a difference.”

The public is invited and encouraged to participate in these community activities:

  • Nov. 25-Dec. 10: Social media campaign. Follow Zonta Club of Kaua‘i on Facebook and Instagram with the links at the end of this story.
  • 10 a.m. Nov. 25: Mayor’s proclamation ceremony; Mo‘ikeha Building rotunda, Līhu‘e Civic Center, 4444 Rice St., Līhu‘e.
  • 4:30 p.m. Dec. 6: Sign-waving, corner across from Līhu‘e Airport.
  • Add Zonta International cover and profile to Facebook accounts to show solidarity.
  • Businesses “Light It Up Orange” with orange light(s) at night for 16 days.
  • Take the Zonta Says NO pledge.

“Each day of the 16 days of activism, Zonta Says NO campaign carries a powerful message,” said Barrett.

Courtesy of Zonta Club of Kaua‘i

Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman can achieve her full potential, where women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men.

It would be a world where no woman lives in fear of violence.

For more information or to get involved, visit the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i website, click here and follow the club on Facebook and Instagram.

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