
State agency warns public about scam calls targeting licenses of medical professionals

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The state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs is warning the public about phone scammers impersonating state officials and government agencies to target medical professionals, particularly those in the dental field.

These scammers make false threats of investigations in an attempt to obtain sensitive personal information.

Reports have surfaced of individuals pretending to be state officials contacting current or former dental licensees, falsely claiming that the Department of Health and Human Services is conducting an ongoing investigation into their professional license.

The scammers may request various personal information and in some cases, even use Caller ID spoofing to make it appear as though the call is coming from a legitimate government agency, to increase the illusion of credibility for the scam.


Although recent incidents have primarily involved dental professionals, other medical professionals, including nurses, pharmacists and others, have been targeted earlier this year and may continue to be targeted.

It is important to note that the Department of Health and Human Services does not have the authority to suspend or revoke professional or vocational licenses, nor can it initiate an investigation into a professional’s license.

State government officials will never call a person to solicit money or threaten arrest. If you receive a suspicious call, hang up immediately without providing any personal information.


To verify the caller’s legitimacy, contact the agency directly using a verified phone number (available at instead of relying on caller ID. Impersonating a public servant is a criminal offense and will be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted.

If you have received any calls similar to what has been described above or are seeking to verify contact from the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, call your respective licensing board/program or 808-586-3000. A list of programs and contact information is available at

For more information on the recent scams targeting dental licensees, please refer to this notice from the Hawai’i Dental Association.


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