
Updated: 2024 Hawai‘i General Election results

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* Last Updated November 06, 2024 12:45am HST

State Representative, Dist 15
(D) NAKAMURA, Nadine K. 5150 (64.9%)  
(R) MORANZ, David A. 2119 (26.7%)  
Blank Votes 662 (8.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 16
(D) EVSLIN, Luke A. 5229 (64.6%)  
(R) YODER, Steve 2213 (27.3%)  
Blank Votes 652 (8.0%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 6 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 17
(D) MORIKAWA, Daynette (Dee) 5139 (65.1%)  
(R) JAUCH, Michael H. 1999 (25.3%)  
Blank Votes 757 (9.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 4 (0.1%)  
President and Vice President
(D) HARRIS, Kamala D.
276296 (61.6%)  
(R) TRUMP, Donald J.
160513 (35.8%)  
(G) STEIN, Jill
WARE, Rudolph
3229 (0.7%)  
(L) OLIVER, Chase
2180 (0.5%)  
(SL) DE LA CRUZ, Claudia
GARCIA, Karina
1508 (0.3%)  
(S) SONSKI, Peter
ONAK, Lauren
717 (0.2%)  
Blank Votes 3973 (0.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 411 (0.1%)  
U.S. Senator
(D) HIRONO, Mazie K. 283454 (63.2%)  
(R) MCDERMOTT, Bob 135761 (30.2%)  
(W) BILLIONAIRE, Shelby Pikachu 7090 (1.6%)  
(G) POHLMAN, Emma Jane Avila 6419 (1.4%)  
Blank Votes 15484 (3.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 619 (0.1%)  
U.S. Representative, Dist I
(D) CASE, Ed 149244 (66.2%)  
(R) LARGEY, Patrick C. 56154 (24.9%)  
Blank Votes 19910 (8.8%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 127 (0.1%)  
U.S. Representative, Dist II
(D) TOKUDA, Jill N. 139982 (62.7%)  
(R) BOND, Steve 61407 (27.5%)  
(L) TOMAN, Aaron 3233 (1.4%)  
(N) MEYER, Randall Kelly 3027 (1.4%)  
Blank Votes 15407 (6.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 336 (0.2%)  
State Senator, Dist 3
(D) KANUHA, Dru Mamo 11106 (63.5%)  
(R) SULLIVAN, Kurt (Sulli) 5252 (30.0%)  
Blank Votes 1133 (6.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 12 (0.1%)  
State Senator, Dist 6
(D) MCKELVEY, Angus L.K. 8782 (57.6%)  
(R) WALKER, Sheila 5207 (34.1%)  
Blank Votes 1119 (7.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 140 (0.9%)  
State Senator, Dist 7
(D) DECOITE, Lynn Pualani 12662 (67.9%)  
(R) MACARAEG, Gabby 4488 (24.1%)  
Blank Votes 1455 (7.8%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 30 (0.2%)  
State Senator, Dist 12
(D) MORIWAKI, Sharon Y. 11905 (65.1%)  
(R) DABBS, Shotaro 4924 (26.9%)  
Blank Votes 1432 (7.8%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 22 (0.1%)  
State Senator, Dist 16
(D) ELEFANTE, Brandon 14735 (70.4%)  
(R) BEEKMAN, Pat 5088 (24.3%)  
Blank Votes 1094 (5.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 12 (0.1%)  
State Senator, Dist 18
(D) KIDANI, Michelle N. 12213 (62.5%)  
(R) SVRCINA, Emil 6051 (31.0%)  
Blank Votes 1274 (6.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.0%)  
State Senator, Dist 22
(R) DECORTE, Samantha 5700 (52.3%)  
(D) GATES, Cedric Asuega 4920 (45.2%)  
Blank Votes 263 (2.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 14 (0.1%)  
State Senator, Dist 23
(R) AWA, Brenton 9001 (48.6%)  
(D) SHAFER, Ben 8699 (46.9%)  
Blank Votes 816 (4.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 17 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 3
(D) TODD, Christopher L.T. 4719 (61.5%)  
(R) WILSON, Kanoa 2224 (29.0%)  
(L) MARTIN, Austin D. (Shiloh) 220 (2.9%)  
Blank Votes 494 (6.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 10 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 4
(D) ILAGAN, Greggor 5485 (67.1%)  
(R) HO, Keikilani 2267 (27.8%)  
Blank Votes 409 (5.0%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 8 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 5
(D) KAPELA, Jeanne 4976 (57.1%)  
(R) OYAMA, Ashley 2872 (32.9%)  
(L) FOGEL, Frederick F. 257 (2.9%)  
Blank Votes 602 (6.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 14 (0.2%)  
State Representative, Dist 6
(D) KAHALOA, Kirstin 5352 (56.3%)  
(R) MADISON, Sylvie M. 3249 (34.2%)  
Blank Votes 902 (9.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 3 (0.0%)  
State Representative, Dist 7
(D) LOWEN, Nicole 4118 (53.3%)  
(R) DALHOUSE, Timothy A. (Tim) 3170 (41.1%)  
Blank Votes 429 (5.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 8
(D) TARNAS, David A. 5332 (61.0%)  
(R) PERREIRA, Monique CobbAdams 3028 (34.6%)  
Blank Votes 372 (4.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 8 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 11
(D) AMATO, Terez (T.Amato) 5350 (57.8%)  
(R) ACAIN, Aileen R. (Lily) 2813 (30.4%)  
Blank Votes 940 (10.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 148 (1.6%)  
State Representative, Dist 12
(D) YAMASHITA, Kyle T. 6319 (61.2%)  
(R) JOHNSON, Dan 2454 (23.7%)  
(G) RYAN, Rita M. 649 (6.3%)  
Blank Votes 871 (8.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 40 (0.4%)  
State Representative, Dist 13
(D) POEPOE, Mahina 5544 (66.1%)  
(R) ADAM, Scott 1978 (23.6%)  
Blank Votes 850 (10.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 12 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 14
(D) COCHRAN, Elle 2987 (51.3%)  
(R) ARMSTRONG, Kelly J. 2350 (40.4%)  
Blank Votes 479 (8.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 4 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 20
(D) NAKADA GRANDINETTI, Tina 6931 (63.5%)  
(R) SOLOMON, Corinne S. 3037 (27.8%)  
Blank Votes 944 (8.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 7 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 21
(D) SAYAMA, Jackson D. 7484 (72.2%)  
(R) SEASHELL, Joelle 2220 (21.4%)  
Blank Votes 658 (6.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 6 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 22
(D) GARRETT, Andrew Takuya 7854 (72.9%)  
(R) IMAMURA, Jeffrey H. 2060 (19.1%)  
Blank Votes 852 (7.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 7 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 24
(D) TAM, Adrian 5628 (63.1%)  
(R) ANDERSON, Jillian T. 2644 (29.7%)  
Blank Votes 638 (7.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 6 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 27
(D) TAKENOUCHI, Jenna 7356 (67.1%)  
(R) LIM, Margaret U. 3128 (28.6%)  
Blank Votes 463 (4.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 9 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 29
(D) HUSSEY, Ikaika Lardizabal 3604 (65.3%)  
(R) KAAPU, Carole Kauhiwai 1667 (30.2%)  
Blank Votes 246 (4.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 30
(D) TEMPLO, Shirley Ann Labadan 2942 (64.6%)  
(R) AZINGA, P. M. 1320 (29.0%)  
Blank Votes 289 (6.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 2 (0.0%)  
State Representative, Dist 31
(D) ICHIYAMA, Linda 5116 (66.5%)  
(R) VALDEZ, Nancy A. 2222 (28.9%)  
Blank Votes 353 (4.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 32
(R) SHIMIZU, Garner Musashi 4088 (47.6%)  
(D) AIU, Micah Pookela Kim 4028 (46.9%)  
Blank Votes 472 (5.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 9 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 34
(D) TAKAYAMA, Gregg 6120 (65.8%)  
(R) DUPIO, Gaius, II 2646 (28.5%)  
Blank Votes 528 (5.7%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 2 (0.0%)  
State Representative, Dist 37
(D) LA CHICA, Trish 8041 (64.1%)  
(R) KAAUMOANA, Taylor 3577 (28.5%)  
Blank Votes 926 (7.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 9 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 38
(R) CHEAPE MATSUMOTO, Lauren 7697 (68.4%)  
(D) OZAWA, Alexander Kekuanao’a 3049 (27.1%)  
Blank Votes 498 (4.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 15 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 39
(D) ROSENLEE, Corey 4103 (47.9%)  
(R) PIERICK, Elijah 3965 (46.3%)  
Blank Votes 477 (5.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 12 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 40
(R) REYES ODA, Julie 3743 (48.9%)  
(D) MARTINEZ, Rose 3434 (44.8%)  
(W) ULUFANUA, Christian P. 210 (2.7%)  
Blank Votes 262 (3.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 11 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 41
(R) ALCOS, David A., III 4762 (55.2%)  
(D) CLARK, John H., III 3460 (40.1%)  
Blank Votes 402 (4.7%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 10 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 42
(R) GARCIA, Diamond 3942 (53.5%)  
(D) PARIS, Anthony Makana 3116 (42.3%)  
Blank Votes 298 (4.0%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 13 (0.2%)  
State Representative, Dist 45
(R) MURAOKA, Chris 2608 (47.4%)  
(D) DESOTO, Desire Auguste 2556 (46.4%)  
Blank Votes 337 (6.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 4 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 46
(D) PERRUSO, Amy A. 4835 (55.2%)  
(R) GABRIEL, Daniel Michael 3419 (39.0%)  
Blank Votes 501 (5.7%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 47
(D) QUINLAN, Sean 4114 (53.7%)  
(R) AGUIRRE, John W. (Johnny) 2847 (37.1%)  
Blank Votes 700 (9.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 4 (0.1%)  
State Representative, Dist 48
(D) KITAGAWA, Lisa C. 7729 (71.9%)  
(G) DAILY, Asheemo N. (Koda) 1537 (14.3%)  
Blank Votes 1485 (13.8%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 5 (0.0%)  
State Representative, Dist 49
(D) MATAYOSHI, Scot 6997 (70.2%)  
(R) UBANDO, Josiah (BrahKruz) 2517 (25.2%)  
Blank Votes 456 (4.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 2 (0.0%)  
State Representative, Dist 50
(D) LEE, Mike 8904 (67.5%)  
(R) CONNELLY, Timothy D. 3707 (28.1%)  
Blank Votes 562 (4.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 13 (0.1%)  
Molokai Resident Trustee
ALAPA, Luana 145689 (32.5%)  
NIHIPALI, R. Kunani 98462 (21.9%)  
Blank Votes 204180 (45.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 496 (0.1%)  
Kauai Resident Trustee
AHUNA, Dan 134814 (30.0%)  
LINDSEY, Laura A. 106418 (23.7%)  
Blank Votes 207090 (46.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 505 (0.1%)  
At-Large Trustee
AKINA, Keli’i 170345 (38.0%)  
AHU ISA, Lei 109053 (24.3%)  
Blank Votes 168912 (37.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 517 (0.1%)  
ALAMEDA, C. Kimo 35577 (51.2%)  
ROTH, Mitch 30717 (44.2%)  
Blank Votes 3183 (4.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 47 (0.1%)  
Councilmember, Dist 5
KANEALI’I-KLEINFELDER, Matt 3556 (50.8%)  
RODENHURST, Ikaika 2655 (37.9%)  
Blank Votes 783 (11.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 8 (0.1%)  
Councilmember, Dist 9
HUSTACE, James E. 4191 (52.2%)  
EVANS, Cindy 3192 (39.8%)  
Blank Votes 642 (8.0%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 4 (0.0%)  
Councilmember (East Maui)
SINENCI, Shane 30778 (63.5%)  
Blank Votes 17692 (36.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 0 (0%)  
Councilmember (West Maui)
PALTIN, Tamara Akiko Maile 26161 (54.0%)  
ACQUINTAS, Lorien (Lolo) 11030 (22.8%)  
Blank Votes 11256 (23.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 23 (0.0%)  
Councilmember (Wailuku-Waihee-Waikapu)
LEE, Alice L. 22337 (46.1%)  
FORREST, James (Nahele) 16285 (33.6%)  
Blank Votes 9826 (20.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 22 (0.0%)  
Councilmember (Kahului)
KAMA, Tasha 21428 (44.2%)  
KAMEKONA, Carol Lee 16281 (33.6%)  
Blank Votes 10725 (22.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 36 (0.1%)  
Councilmember (South Maui)
COOK, Tom 20511 (42.3%)  
KING, Kelly Takaya 19755 (40.8%)  
Blank Votes 8171 (16.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 33 (0.1%)  
Councilmember (Makawao-Haiku-Paia)
UU-HODGINS, Nohe 21346 (44.0%)  
BOONE, Nara 16155 (33.3%)  
Blank Votes 10942 (22.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 27 (0.1%)  
Councilmember (Upcountry)
SUGIMURA, Yuki Lei Kashiwa 24797 (51.2%)  
CRUZ, Jocelyn N. 13568 (28.0%)  
Blank Votes 10077 (20.8%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 28 (0.1%)  
Councilmember (Lanai)
JOHNSON, Gabe 29612 (61.1%)  
Blank Votes 18858 (38.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 0 (0%)  
Councilmember (Molokai)
RAWLINS-FERNANDEZ, Keani 20542 (42.4%)  
PELE, John 16141 (33.3%)  
Blank Votes 11757 (24.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 30 (0.1%)  
CARVALHO, Bernard P., Jr. 12144 (7.3%)  
RAPOZO, Mel 11320 (6.8%)  
KANESHIRO, Arryl J. 10313 (6.2%)  
COWDEN, Felicia 9714 (5.8%)  
KUALII, KipuKai 9689 (5.8%)  
BULOSAN, Addison 9605 (5.7%)  
HOLLAND, Fern Anuenue 9481 (5.7%)  
KAGAWA, Ross 9472 (5.7%)  
DECOSTA, Billy D. 7575 (4.5%)  
APILADO, Abe, Jr. (Aba-G) 4394 (2.6%)  
KEAHIOLALO, W. Butch 3933 (2.4%)  
CUMMINGS, Sherri 3336 (2.0%)  
NELSON, Jacquelyn (Jakki) 2716 (1.6%)  
THOMAS, Bart 2600 (1.6%)  
Blank Votes 60910 (36.4%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 49 (0.0%)  
Question #1
YES 232017 (51.7%)  
NO 180714 (40.3%)  
Blank Votes 34379 (7.7%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 1717 (0.4%)  
Question #2
YES 274184 (61.1%)  
NO 113211 (25.2%)  
Blank Votes 61100 (13.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 332 (0.1%)  
1. Hawai’i: County Council Vacancy in Office
YES 47072 (67.7%)  
NO 13407 (19.3%)  
Blank Votes 8991 (12.9%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 54 (0.1%)  
2. Hawai’i: Mayoral Appointment of Department Heads
YES 48750 (70.1%)  
NO 12551 (18.1%)  
Blank Votes 8173 (11.8%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 50 (0.1%)  
3. Hawai’i: Term of Office for the Cost of Government Commission
NO 35371 (50.9%)  
YES 24245 (34.9%)  
Blank Votes 9869 (14.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 39 (0.1%)  
Maui: Salary Commission
YES 28385 (58.6%)  
NO 12427 (25.6%)  
Blank Votes 7616 (15.7%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 42 (0.1%)  
Maui: Independent Staffing for Board of Ethics
YES 28046 (57.9%)  
NO 13065 (27.0%)  
Blank Votes 7303 (15.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 56 (0.1%)  
Maui: Board and Commission Terms
NO 21239 (43.8%)  
YES 19322 (39.9%)  
Blank Votes 7872 (16.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 37 (0.1%)  
Relating to Police Commission Investigations.
YES 15969 (66.7%)  
NO 3738 (15.6%)  
Blank Votes 4203 (17.6%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 25 (0.1%)  
Relating to Cost Control Commission Reports.
YES 11250 (47.0%)  
NO 7852 (32.8%)  
Blank Votes 4815 (20.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 18 (0.1%)  
Relating to the Public Access, Open Space & Natural Resources Preservation Fund.
YES 16793 (70.2%)  
NO 2932 (12.2%)  
Blank Votes 4193 (17.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 17 (0.1%)  
Relating to Surety Bonds.
YES 12578 (52.6%)  
NO 6185 (25.8%)  
Blank Votes 5149 (21.5%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 23 (0.1%)  
Relating to Ex-officio Youth Position on County Boards and Commissions.
YES 13490 (56.4%)  
NO 5848 (24.4%)  
Blank Votes 4575 (19.1%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 22 (0.1%)  
Charter Question #1
YES 158871 (51.8%)  
NO 117021 (38.1%)  
Blank Votes 30694 (10.0%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 296 (0.1%)  
Charter Question #2
YES 207330 (67.6%)  
NO 64519 (21.0%)  
Blank Votes 34810 (11.3%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 223 (0.1%)  
Charter Question #3
YES 178886 (58.3%)  
NO 95004 (31.0%)  
Blank Votes 32721 (10.7%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 271 (0.1%)  
Charter Question #4
YES 254402 (82.9%)  
NO 26952 (8.8%)  
Blank Votes 25214 (8.2%)  
Invalid Votes 0 (0%)  
Over Votes 314 (0.1%)  


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