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Nearly $525K in federal grants coming to support specialty crops and programs in Hawai‘i

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The state of Hawai‘i was awarded $524,733 in federal funding to support nine projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crop products and create new market opportunities for the state’s specialty crop producers.

“The innovative projects funded through this program will strengthen U.S. specialty crop production and markets and ensure Americans have sustained access to fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops, and support the region’s specialty crop growers to help ensure their long-term success,” said USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt.

The funding for the 2024 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program will be dispersed through the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture.

The US Department of Agriculture defines specialty crops as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops (including floriculture). Much of Hawai‘i’s diversified agriculture falls under this specialty crop designation.


Eligible crops must be cultivated or managed and used by people for food, medicinal purposes and/or aesthetic gratification.

“Hawai‘i agriculture is uniquely different from the mainland in that specialty crops comprise the majority of our agricultural industry,” said Sharon Hurd, chairperson of the Hawai‘i Board of Agriculture. “This block grant program is an important source of funding in support of both food and horticultural production in the state.”

See below for the nine projects.

  • Improving Propagation of Coffee Leaf Rust Resistant Varieties in Hawai‘i by the Hawai‘i Agriculture Research Center
  • Seeding the Future: A Complete Course for Hawai‘i’s Specialty Crop Growers by the Hawai‘i Seed Growers Network
  • 2025 HFNA Accessibility, Education and Promotion Program by Hawai‘i Floriculture and Nursery Association
  • Educating Coffee Farmers on Best Practices for Farm Management by the Kona Coffee Farmers Association
  • Improving Sustainable ʻAwa Production in Hawai‘i through Tissue Culture Propagation and Education by Mālama Sanctuary
  • Expanding Markets for Hawai‘i’s Specialty Coffee Growers by Synergistic Hawai‘i Agriculture Council Foundation
  • Educational Outreach for Smallhold Growers on Macadamia Orchard Health by Synergistic Hawai‘i Agriculture Council Foundation
  • Improving Sweet Corn and Other Specialty Crops Production Through Variety Trials and Sustainable Practices by the University of Hawai‘i
  • 9 Expanding Markets of Specialty Crops for Import Substitution in Hawai‘i by University of Hawai‘i

The funding for Hawai‘i is part of a total of $72.9 million in non-competitive Fiscal Year 2024 funding awarded to 54 states, territories and the District of Columbia through the 2018 Farm Bill.

More information about these awards is available here.


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