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$5 million committed to scholarship fund at University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges

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With help of the state and the University of Hawai‘i, $5 million was committed to the Hawai‘i Promise Scholarship which provides financial assistance to qualified Hawai‘i residents enrolled in UH.

The scholarship covers direct education costs not met by other forms of financial aid, including tuition, fees and an allowance for books and supplies.

“The Hawai‘i Promise scholarship has allowed me to work towards completing my degree at a part-time status so I can still work full-time without the burden of extra tuition and book costs,” said Kapiʻolani CC student Alena Fontaine.

To be considered for Hawaiʻi Promise, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For the upcoming fall semester, students should complete the FAFSA by July 1.


For free help in completing the FAFSA, email FAFSA@hawaii.edu or call the FAFSA Hotline at 808-842-2540, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The UH Community Colleges continue to be one of the most affordable higher education options in the nation. In 2023–24, the average tuition and fees for public two-year colleges was $3,990, according to the American Association of Community Colleges, compared to $3,200 for a UH Community College.

In fiscal year 2023, $3.8 million in Hawai‘i Promise Scholarship funds were awarded to 1,774 eligible students across the seven UH Community Colleges. The average award per student was $2,142.


Since its inception in 2017, the Hawaiʻi Promise scholarship has served more than 8,600 UH students.

“We are committed to making higher education accessible for all,” said Erika Lacro, vice president for the UH Community Colleges. “The Hawai‘i Promise Scholarship is our promise to Hawai‘i residents that cost should not be a barrier to attend our seven amazing community college campuses. We hope this scholarship will open more doors to unlimited opportunities and empower individuals to achieve their academic and career goals.”

For more information on eligibility and how to apply for the Hawai‘i Promise Scholarship, visit hawaii.edu/promise.


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