County of Kaua‘i launches online reporting tool for road issues
The County of Kaua‘i has launched an online reporting tool for road issues found at and by clicking “Report Roads Issue.”
As part of the County of Kaua‘i’s Land Information Management System project, the Department of Public Works and Information Technology Division created an application that provides the public with the ability to confirm the location of a reported County of Kaua‘i road issue on an interactive map.

Issues the public can report on include potholes, vegetation on the roadway, overgrown grass, knocked-down signs, missing signs, blocked drains, or dead animals on the roadway.
Once the public submits its issue of a County of Kaua‘i road, the Roads Maintenance Division staff will review the request and submit a work order to the Roads Maintenance Division’s base yard staff.
This reporting online tool only applies to County of Kaua‘i roads – and not State of Hawai‘i roadways.
For more information or questions, email
Contact the Hawai‘i Department of Transportation’s Kaua‘i District Office at 808-241-3000 for more detailed information regarding these State of Hawai‘i roads:
Ahukini Road
Halewili Road
Kapule Highway
Kaumuali‘i Highway
Koke‘e Road (Route 550)
Kuamo‘o Road
Kūhiō Highway
Maalo Road
Nawiliwili Road
Temporary Kapaa Bypass Road (Route 5600)
Waialo Road
Waimea Canyon Drive (Route 550)