Kauai News

County and federal agencies partner for Kekaha Road Brownfields Study

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County and federal agencies are partnering to revitalize brownfields along the Kekaha Road corridor, between Amakihi Road and Pueo Road, as a means to improve the quality of life for Kekaha residents.

Kaua‘i County’s Office of Economic Development, in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have launched the Kekaha Road Brownfields Study. Through community-based planning and the utilization of brownfields assessment grant funds, the County intends to work with property owners and other stakeholders in repurposing opportunity sites for local-serving uses, such as housing, jobs, services, and civic amenities.

“The Kekaha Brownfields Study is a valuable step towards gaining a deeper understanding of our community’s untapped resources,” said Office of Economic Development Director Nalani Brun. “Through this initiative, we aim to gather crucial insights that will guide us in making informed decisions about the future use of these properties.”


During the County’s analysis of properties, the focus will be on understanding why these properties remain underdeveloped and assessing the potential for contamination through a thorough examination of historical records, past environmental site assessments, and insights from local residents. The study also seeks to chart a path forward for informed clean up and/or reuse planning. More in-depth investigations will be conducted for property owners willing to participate in the project.

The County is currently recruiting members for the Advisory Group who will be providing insights that will shape the environmental assessment activities and guide ongoing community engagement efforts.

For more information about the Kekaha Brownfields Study, visit the project website at https://kauaiforward.com/kekaha-brownfields-study/. To be part of the project mailing list and learn how to contribute to the project, contact Ana Española at aespanola@kauai.gov or 808-241-1968.


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