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Kaua‘i Liquor Department offers free Narcan kits to licensees

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Supplies of Narcan. Photo Courtesy: County of Kaua‘i

The Kaua‘i Department of Liquor Control is offering free Naloxone, also known as Narcan, to all of its liquor licensees.

“We thank the Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division of the Department of the Attorney General for notifying us about this great program and we especially extend our appreciation to the State Department of Health for providing 460 Narcan kits to our department for distribution,” said Director of Liquor Control Leo Sandoval-Reyes.

“Distributing Narcan to our licensees will prepare and equip them if a suspected opioid overdose occurs in their establishment, which could potentially save lives.”


Narcan is a nasal spray that blocks the effects of opioids to the brain and quickly restores breathing in someone experiencing an overdose.

There is no charge to any licensee that wishes to obtain this life-saving product. Supply is limited to two units per licensee.

Narcan kits may be obtained during regular business hours at the Department of Liquor Control, located at 4444 Rice Street, Suite 120, in Līhu‘e.


The Department will require those licensees who wish to obtain the kits to view an instructional video prior to being issued the Narcan with instructions on proper use and application.

For more information, please contact the Department of Liquor Control at 808-241-4966.

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