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Earth Machine Home Composting Bins now available on the North Shore of Kaua‘i

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Earth Machine Home Composting Bins now have two new distribution points on the North Shore. Photo Courtesy: County of Kaua‘i

The County of Kaua‘i Solid Waste Division has established two new distribution points on the North Shore for Earth Machine Home Composting Bins – ʻĀina Ho‘okupu o Kīlauea, and the Hanalei Initiative.

ʻĀina Ho‘okupu o Kīlauea is located across the street from Kaua‘i Christian Academy. Composting bins are available by appointment from ʻĀina Ho‘okupu o Kīlauea on Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Email info@ainahookupuokilauea.org to schedule a bin pick-up online.

The Hanalei Initiative is located at the Hanalei Center above Bar Acuda. Compost bins are available by appointment Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Email hanaleiinitiative@gmail.com to schedule a bin pick-up online.


The County of Kaua‘i has been distributing compost bins free of charge for over 20 years. In total, over 8,000 bins have been provided to residents, schools, and other interested groups. Surveys have shown that each compost bin diverts an average of 10 tons of food and yard waste over its lifetime.

For more information on backyard composting, visit the county’s website at www.kauai.gov/composting, where you can also watch the required 8-minute training video to receive a free bin.

Schools or other groups that are interested in a composting bin can call 808-241-4841 or email solidwaste@kauai.gov.


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