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Kaua‘i County Council to vote on Coco Palms resolution to prioritize public access, uses

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The once iconic Coco Palms Resort has been in ruins since Hurricane Iniki destroyed it in 1992. Photo Credit: Scott Yunker/Kaua‘i Now

On Wednesday, the Kaua‘i County Council will consider a resolution that urges the State of Hawaiʻi to prioritize public access, uses and purposes to certain properties in the area of Wailuā, including the dilapidated Coco Palms Resort.

The resolution introduced by councilmember Felicia Cowden cites the great historical and cultural significance of the derelict resort in Wailuā, which was destroyed by Hurricane Iniki in 1992.

The land was important long before the resort gained fame as a playground for Hollywood royalty and the filming location of Elvis Presley’s “Blue Hawai‘i.”


“The area of Wailuā, Puna District of Kaua’i, also known as Wailuanui, Wailuanuihoano, Wailuanuiahoano, Wailuanuilani, and Wailuā Nui A Ho’ano – meaning great, sacred Wailuā – as its name suggests, is one of the most sacred places in the Hawaiian archipelago and was an area primarily reserved for royalty, with a rich, documented history,” the document reads.

Elvis Presleyʻs movie “Blue Hawaiʻi” was filmed at Coco Palms in 1961.

Cowden’s resolution urges the state Board of Land and Natural Resources – which may soon be reviewing revocable permits for parcels within Wailuā – to prioritize public access, uses and purposes for certain state parcels, including parking and access to natural and historical resources.

Currently, Utah-based developers Reef Capital Partners plan to construct a 350-room hotel on the Coco Palms site. However, they were recently slapped with a cease-and-desist order by the State Department of Land and Natural Resources, which alleged illegal land clearing had taken place onsite.


I Ola Wailuanui – a Kaua‘i community group against the construction of a new hotel – is urging residents to submit written testimony or appear in person before the Kaua‘i County Council on Wednesday to oppose Reef Capital Partners’ plans.

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