Elderly Affairs hosting self-care, coping workshops with behavioral specialist in Līhuʻe
The Agency on Elderly Affairs will hold two workshops presented by behavioral specialist Dr. Dennis Pezzato, Ph.D., on March 10 and 17.
The workshops will be at the Līhu‘e Civic Center in the Pi‘ikoi Building conference rooms A and B from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m.
The March 10 workshop will focus on “self-care and coping strategies,” while the March 17 workshop will feature “coping with grief.”
Due to limited seating, please register by calling the Agency on Elderly Affairs at 808-241-4470 or emailing elderlyaffairs@kauai.gov.
Pezzato serves as a member of the Agency of Elderly Affairs Advisory committee, an agency consultant and an RSVP volunteer.
Pezzato works in caregiver education and support, dementia education and support, stress education, aging, life skills and personal relationships.
The author of six self-help books and a Caregivers Guide, he also has a YouTube channel with his “Facets of Life” audio series to help deal with life’s challenges and issues.
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, please contact the Agency on Elderly Affairs at 808-241-4470 or elderlyaffairs@kauai.gov as soon as possible.
Requests made as early as possible will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille or electronic copy.