Don’t miss your chance to provide input on the Kaua‘i Food Access Plan
How do we increase access to healthy, local food on Kaua‘i?
By creating policies, systems and environments that support healthy eating, communities can become more resilient and thrive. After years of meetings, including four community meetings in January, Mālama Kaua‘i now has draft objectives for the 2030 Kaua‘i Food Access Plan — and it’s asking for your input.

But don’t wait. The final day to provide comment is today (Friday, Feb. 24).
Thanks to more than 200 engaged residents, from farmers to ranchers and food access agencies and community members, who participated in the in-person phases of the process, there were a plethora of ideas and passions shared. Mālama Kaua‘i hopes the community will provide additional feedback on which objectives it wants to work on for the next several years.
Giving your input will help guide the Kaua‘i Food Access Plan to increase healthy food access. Mālama Kaua‘i wants to see which objectives the community is willing to commit to see through and be a part of creating, not just what you’d like to see for others.
It’s your involvement and action that could achieve any of these objectives.
Only Kaua‘i residents are asked to participate. Those who want to give their input also are asked to use their real name when registering and engage thoughtfully with comments and constructive feedback on the presented objectives.
Mālama Kaua‘i already started applying for grants to meet several needs, but looks forward to gaining more direction with the community’s input. Make sure you register and vote for the objectives you’d like to be a part of developing for our community by clicking here.
To learn more about the plan and get additional information, including copies of the Food Insecurity Survey results and Food Access Micro Summits summary, click here.
This project is supported by Hawaiʻi Department of Health Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division.