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Rocky’s monk seal pup born on Waikīkī beach gives birth to her own pup Uʻi Mea Ola

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Hawaiian monk seal RJ58 named Kaimana and her new pup named Uʻi Mea Ola, which means “beautiful survivor.” Credit: Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response/Permit #24359

Nearly 6 years ago, Hawaiian monk seal RH58 named Rocky surprisingly gave birth to a female pup on a busy, high-traffic beach in Waikīkī. Now, that world-famous pup RJ58 named Kaimana is raising a pup of her own, but in a much quieter location.

On Jan. 28, 2023, Kaimana gave birth to the first pup of 2023 in the main Hawaiian Islands. Peak pupping season usually begins in spring, so this early start is a welcome surprise, according to a news release from the NOAA Fisheries.

Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response members witnessed the birth; and they have been on site daily to monitor the pair.

“We’ve been observing a lot of nursing and swimming behavior from the pair,” said Jon Gelman, president of Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response. “We’ll continue to be in the area until after Kaimana leaves, and the pup begins to venture off by itself.”


The response team also worked with Kahuku Elementary School’s fifth grade class to gift the pup a Hawaiian name. The students selected the name Uʻi Mea Ola, or Uʻi for short. It means “beautiful survivor.”

One of the reasons the students gifted this name was that the pup was born safely during the moon phase ʻOle Kū Lua, known for high tides and rough conditions.

“Our goal with each naming is for the students, teachers and surrounding communities to learn a bit more about Hawaiian monk seals, their importance and conservation,” said Emily Greene, education manager of Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response. “In addition, we hope that these students feel a sense of kuleana, or responsibility, to care for and conserve not only the pup they name but all monk seals and marine life.”

Black Hawaiian monk seal pup on left and mom on right covered in sand on the beach.
Students at Kahuku Elementary gifted the name Uʻi Mea Ola, which means beautiful survivor, to the new pup of RJ58 name Kaimana. Credit: Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response/Permit #24359

When Kaimana was born in June 2017, the newborn pup quickly caught the attention and the hearts of people across Hawaiʻi and beyond.


She was the first known Hawaiian monk seal to be born on a popular Waikīkī beach. The location, however, posed a number of risks to the young pup’s future. So after extensive discussion and analysis, NOAA and partners relocated Kaimana when Rocky weaned her. The move enabled Kaimana to grow up in a more remote location, in the company of other wild monk seals and away from high levels of human interaction.

“With any relocation, we always strive for the best possible outcome for these endangered seals,” said Kilali Alaʻilima Gibson, NOAA Fisheries’ Oʻahu marine wildlife response coordinator. “And with Kaimana, we’re excited to see that not only is she doing well, but she’s opted to give birth on a much quieter beach from where she was born.”

That news is especially noteworthy because Hawaiian monk seals often return to the beaches where they were born to give birth.

With Uʻi kicking off this year’s pup cohort, NOAA Fisheries anticipates seeing more Hawaiian monk seal births following soon.


“We’re gearing up for what we expect to be another busy pupping year,” Gibson said. “We’re looking forward to monitoring each new pup’s development with our partners, and sharing information with the community on how we can all do our part to help keep these pups safe and healthy.”

Black Hawaiian monk seal pup on the right and mom on the left with her left flipper by the pup's face.
Hawaiian monk seal pup Uʻi Mea Ola was born January 28, 2023. Credit: NOAA Fisheries/Permit #24359

Hawaiian monk seals give birth throughout the year, but peak pupping season is typically March through August.

NOAA works with volunteers and provides competitive grant funding to partners like the Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response and The Marine Mammal Center to help oversee the day-to-day monitoring of monk seals in Hawaiʻi. These partners set up perimeters around mom-pup pairs and monk seals in busy locations to guide beachgoers on how much space to give nursing and resting seals.

“Our volunteers work hard to educate the public on the importance of these animals, and to ensure the seals have a place to rest undisturbed,” Gelman said. “We appreciate the community’s support respecting the perimeters and signs in place, and reporting seal sightings.”

If you run into mom and pup pairs — or monk seals in general — here’s how you can keep the seals and yourself safe:

  • Give them space. Keep a respectful distance of at least 150 feet from mom-pup pairs, and at least 50 feet from all other monk seals—on land and in the water.
  • Swim elsewhere. If a mom-pup pair is present, swim at a different location. Hawaiian monk seal mothers can be protective of their pups and have bitten people in the past.
  • Keep your dogs leashed. Pets can transmit diseases to wild animals and vice versa. Also, stressful dog encounters may cause a seal to react aggressively or leave the area.
  • Report sightings. If you spot a seal, call the statewide NOAA Marine Wildlife Hotline: 888-256-9840.
Hawaiian monk seal and pup resting on her head.
Mother seal RJ58 named Kaimana was born on a busy Waikīkī beach, but she gave birth to her pup in a much quieter spot—the north shore of Oʻahu. Uʻi Mea Ola is the first pup of 2023 in the main Hawaiian Islands. Credit: Hawaiʻi Marine Animal Response/Permit #24359

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