
Pacific Media Group to purchase Kaua‘i radio station KFMN

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Hawai‘i-based Pacific Media Group, which owns and operates 17 radio stations throughout the state, plans to expand and add one more station to its roster.

Pacific Media Group, or PMG, has entered into an agreement to purchase KFMN on Kaua‘i. The purchase is pending Federal Communications Commission approval. The Hawai‘i media group also executed a time brokerage agreement that became effective Dec. 1, allowing the company to manage sales and programming for the station while waiting for FCC approval of the purchase.

“PMG has a long and strong commitment to Hawai’i and the local communities we serve,” said PMG President and CEO Chuck Bergson. “The addition of KFMN further emphasizes that commitment to the great people that have made this heritage radio station an integral part of the Kaua‘i community.”

Pacific Media Group Chief Revenue Officer Joshua Mednick added that PMG is the only media company in the state with radio stations on all four major islands. Adding KMFN to the company’s already legendary lineup of Kaua‘i stations — KONG RADIO 93.5, SHAKA 103.1, HI95 (KSRF) and Country KUAI — will provide advertisers unequaled reach to the island’s population and significantly enhance PMG’s portfolio of statewide offerings.


“We are thrilled to be able to take the relationships we’ve developed and nurtured across our existing stations and offer those even greater access to consumers across the island,” Mednick said.

PMG also owns three radio stations on the Big Island — KAPA FM, The Beat and KBIG — as well as six stations on Maui and four on O‘ahu. It is Hawai‘i’s only statewide radio network.

Pacific Media Group has offices in Hilo, Kona, Kahului and on Kauaʻi. In addition to its radio presence, the company also owns and operates multiple digital media products such as Big Island Now, Kauai Now, Maui Now, Hawaii Airport Advertising and multiple other website, app and digital radio products.



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