Kauai News

Kapa‘a roads closed Dec. 5-10

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The County of Kaua‘i Department of Public Works and Grace Pacific LLC have announced portions of Mailihuna, Hau‘a‘ala and Kawaihau roads will be closed, and detours will be put in place from Dec. 5 to Dec. 10, from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The intersection of Mailihuna Road, Hau‘a‘ala Road and Kawaihau Road will experience temporary traffic shifts and temporary traffic control plans will be in place as construction of the new roundabout continues. No road work will occur during the peak traffic times for school drop-off and pick up. Please note that there will be intermittent 1-lane closures during the week to allow for road reconstruction at the roundabout.

Over the next several weeks, traffic control configurations around the Mailihuna Road, Hau‘a‘ala Road, and Kawaihau Road intersection change as construction progresses. Various sections of the roundabout will require closing, and the detour routes will vary through each phase of construction. The public is urged to exercise caution and drive slowly through the marked detour areas, particularly through Kolohala Road.

  • Portions of Mailihuna, Hau‘a‘ala and Kawaihau roads in Kapa‘a will be closed, and detours will be put in place from Dec. 5 to Dec. 10, from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Photo Courtesy: County of Kaua‘i
  • Portions of Mailihuna, Hau‘a‘ala and Kawaihau roads in Kapa‘a will be closed, and detours will be put in place from Dec. 5 to Dec. 10, from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Photo Courtesy: County of Kaua‘i

The project aims to construct a peanut-shaped roundabout, sidewalks, paved shoulders, and various other roadway improvements to help improve the safety and operations of the 5-way intersection of these three roads and for people using multiple modes to travel efficiently and safely through Kawaihau Road, Hau’a’ala Road, and Mailihuna Road located in Kapaʻa. This area contains St. Catherine’s School/Church, Kapaʻa High School, Kapaʻa Elementary School, Mahelona Hospital and Gore Park.


The roundabout portion of the project has an estimated completion date of December 2022. The project as a whole has an estimated completion date of July 2023.

Dates and times are subject to change depending on weather and other factors.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Junard Mata of Grace Pacific, LLC. at 808-694-9784.



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