Additional lane closures scheduled as Kapa‘a roundabout construction continues

Additional lane closures and detours are scheduled this week in Kapa‘a as construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Mailihuna Road, Hau‘a‘ala Road and Kawaihau Road continues.
Portions of the three roadways will be closed from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 14-18. The intersection of the roadways will experience temporary traffic shifts and temporary traffic control plans will be in place. Dates and times are subject to change depending on weather and other factors.

No road work will occur during the peak traffic times for school drop off and pick up. Detours also are in place.
Over the next several weeks, various sections of the roundabout will require closing and detour routes will vary. The public is urged to exercise caution and drive slowly through the marked detour areas, particularly through Kolohala Road.
The project aims to construct a peanut-shaped roundabout, sidewalks, paved shoulders and various other roadway upgrades to improve the safety and operations of the five-way intersection of the three roads.
The roundabout portion of the project should be done this month. The project as a whole is estimated to be finished in July 2023.
For any questions or concerns, contact Junard Mata with contractor Grace Pacific LLC. at 808-694-9784.