Water Department upgrading meter tech islandwide
The county is upgrading its water meter technology islandwide.
The Department of Water is transitioning to advanced water meter technology for its more than 24,000 customer accounts as part of a meter replacement program. The program is aimed at upgrading and replacing meter equipment to improve advanced metering infrastructure islandwide.
No customer action is required.
The Water Department uses automatic meter reading technology that will be updated. Equipment also will be replaced to maintain advanced metering infrastructure compatibility. The upgraded technology saves the department time and from having the added expense of manually reading each meter.
As part of this transition process, the department’s billing services has been performing targeted, manual meter readings based on recorded average monthly water usage. These readings are for various types of meters requiring upgraded technology.
As the program progresses, Customers with questions relating to their account as the program progresses can contact the department’s billing services at 808-245-5442 or via email at billing@kauaiwater.org.