Brush Fire Scorches Portion of Kaua‘i Coffee Field

No injuries were reported following a brush fire Monday afternoon that broke out in a coffee field in Kalāheo.
According to a press release from Kaua‘i County, firefighters from the Kalāheo and Hanapēpē fire stations were dispatched shortly before 1 p.m. to a brush fire reported in a coffee field makai of the Kakela Makai subdivision in Kalāheo.
With assistance from Kaua‘i Coffee personnel, firefighters gained access to the fire and quickly brought the blaze under control. Kaua‘i Coffee provided additional manpower and equipment, including a loader to help cut fire breaks and a water tender.
After the quarter-acre brush fire was fully extinguished, KFD crews cleared the scene around 2:30 p.m., while Kaua‘i Coffee personnel remained on site to monitor the area through the evening.
No road closures were reported, and no structures were threatened during the response.
The cause of the fire is undetermined.