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Late Edith Kanakaʻole Quarter Design Released

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U.S. Mint

Designs for the late Edith Kanakaʻole quarter have been released.

The Hawaiian cultural icon is one of five women who will have their faces imprinted on the reverse of the coin for the 2023 American Women Quarters, a program of the United States Mint.

“The ethnically, racially, and geographically diverse group of individuals honored through this program reflects a wide range of accomplishments and fields, including suffrage, civil rights, abolition, government, humanities, science, space, and the arts,” the U.S. Mint stated on its website.


Along with Kanakaʻole, the 2023 coins will recognize the achievements of Bessie Coleman, Jovita Idar, Eleanor Roosevelt and Maria Tallchief. The American Women Quarters program will run for four years. The Mint states the coin designs are emblematic of the accomplishments and contributions of trailblazing American women.

U.S. Mint

“I am pleased to announce the designs of the 2023 American Women Quarters,” said Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson. “These beautiful designs honor the achievements of these amazing women and add to the Mint’s rich history of rendering the history of our Nation in enduring examples of numismatic art.”

Sen. Mazie Hirono said Kanakaʻole was a prominent leader in the revitalization of the Hawaiian language and culture—notably as a renowned kumu hula.


“She helped preserve and spread Hawaiian language, traditions, and history, contributing so much to the Native Hawaiian community, Hawaii, and our nation,” Hirono stated. “It is fitting that she be honored with this special recognition. I’m pleased to see the design for her commemorative quarter today, and I look forward to seeing these quarters put into circulation so that people in every corner of our country can learn more about Edith Kanaka`ole and her remarkable life.”

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