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Weekly Briefing: County to Receive Nearly $25M for Poʻipū Road Safety And Mobility Project

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Kiele Casillas was crowned Miss Kauaʻi Filipina on Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the county rotunda. (Images are screenshots from video)

The county is getting a funding boost from the federal government for a project in Poʻipū.

County Managing Director Michael Dahilig reported Thursday, Aug. 11, in the county’s weekly video briefing that Kauaʻi County was selected to receive $24.8 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation through its RAISE Grant program. The money will be used to fund the Poʻipū Road Safety and Mobility Project.

Michael Dahilig

“This project will propel our efforts to carry out goals of Kauaʻi’s Destination Management Plan by providing enhanced transit, walking and bicycling infrastructure, while subsequently supporting our county’s sustainability efforts,” Dahilig said in the video.


The project will also create transportation alternatives for visitors, thereby reducing tourism impacts on local residents.

“The diversity of Kauaʻi’s people is truly reflected in this project and we look forward to seeing our shared vision come to life in the coming years,” Dahilig said.

The past week was also filled with many celebrations around the island.


During the weekend, the University of Hawaiʻi men’s basketball team conducted a youth basketball clinic at Kauaʻi High School in Līhuʻe and Make-A-Wish Hawaiʻi celebrated it’s 40th anniversary at Kukui Grove Center in Līhuʻe.

Dahilig also extended congratulations from the county to Miss Kauaʻi Filipina, Kiele Casillas, who was crowned Tuesday, Aug. 9, at the county rotunda.

“Kiele, you exemplify the title so well, and we are very excited to see you further perpetuate the Filipino culture here on Kauaʻi and wherever life takes you in the years ahead,” Dahilig said in the video.


In more somber news, Dahilig announced another COVID-19 death on the island. The female resident was in her 80s and was hospitalized.

“Our condolences are with her family,” he said.

COVID cases increased slightly this week on Kauaʻi. The seven-day case average for the island is at 23 cases a day compared to 21 last week.

To watch the entire weekly briefing video, click here.

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