Kauai News

Battle of the Food Trucks Rolls out Sept. 11

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The Battle of The Food Trucks on Sunday, Sept. 11 will bring together food trucks from all over
Kauaʻi for a one-day event where each participating chef will utilize two Kauaʻi made/grown ingredients to showcase their culinary talents.

Local chefs, farmers, farms, ranchers, fishermen, and the community will come together to promote Kauai grown products. It will be from 2-6 p.m. that day on Kress Street in downtown Līhuʻe. Food trucks thus far Taco Libre, Kanak Attack, Smittyʻs Burger, Big Nick’s, Pineapple Expressions, Shavalik Indian Cuisine, Japanese Grandma’s Cafe, Hanalei Taro Co., Dim n Den Sum, with more to be announced.

Tickets cost $75 for general admission, $100 for VIP tickets. at www.BestKauaiFoodTrucks.com
Contact: Lexi Jones 808-639-3482, Dr. Addison Bulosan 808-652-1442.


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