Community Input Sought on North Shore Flood Mitigation Sub-Grants
A survey is being conducted to collect community input on how to implement and distribute more than $7 million in North Shore watershed flood mitigation sub-grants.
Hale Halawai ‘Ohana O Hanalei is conducting the survey, which can be viewed by clicking here. Only one response per person is permitted.
This project is intended to produce multiple sub-grants to other nonprofit organizations to conduct mitigation projects that reduce harm from future flooding events through structural and nonstructural actions, interventions and investments.
Hale Halawai ‘Ohana O Hanalei serves as a custodian for the funds and liaison with various stakeholders, fostering community consensus, developing a process to award flood migration sub-grants, monitoring the grantees and reporting to the county.
For more information, call 808-826-1011 or email or