Blessing Held Friday for Lydgate Beach Park Inclusive Playground
A blessing was held at Lydgate Beach Park on Friday for the state’s first fully inclusive playground.
“During my first weeks in office, I met with a group of mothers of children living with autism,” said Mayor Derek S. K. Kawakami. “From them, I learned that we had no playground tailored to children living with disabilities. That day, we made a promise, and I am proud of our Department of Parks and Recreation team for their work to make this inclusive playground a reality for our keiki living with disabilities.”
The playground addresses physical, social, emotional, sensory, communication, and cognitive activities children living with developmental disabilities encounter. Additionally, the facility includes swinging, spinning, sliding, climbing, and balancing equipment.
“I would also like to thank the Friends of Kamalani and Lydgate Park, the Leadership Kaua‘i Class of 2022, and everyone for their continued support and contributions to this project and our children,” added Mayor Kawakami.
Contracted by Inspired Play LLC, the $400,000 project was allocated from the General Fund, Capital Improvements Projects Fund, and the Līhu‘e District Special Trust Fund for Parks & Playgrounds Fund.
Construction began in fall 2021 and was completed in April 2022.