‘Ukes for Ukraine to Help Those Impacted by War

The global ‘ukulele community will come together on April 9, for a live-stream fundraiser, “‘Ukes for Ukraine.” Brainchild of Hawai‘i Island musician Brad Bordessa, the six-hour workshop and performance event will support the disaster relief organization, World Central Kitchen, who has already served over 1 million meals to the besieged people of Ukraine
A team of world-class ‘ukulele teachers and performers from Hawai‘i, Europe and the Continent will offer workshops in a wide range of musical styles, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
About Ukes for Ukraine teaching team:
• Tobias Elof, award-winning Danish ‘ukulele master who performs internationally
• Kevin Carroll, music educator, author and performer in Austin, Texas, called the “Pied Piper of ukulele players” will teach his arrangement of the Ukraine National Anthem.
• Neal Chin, Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award winner, from Maui, now living, teaching and performing in Seattle
• Craig Chee & Sarah Maisel. He’s from Oahu and she’s from Alabama. Together they have performed all over the world. From their home on O‘ahu, they operate the Online ‘Ukulele School, and they’ve been chosen to continue Roy & Kathy Sakuma’s legacy “‘Ukulele Festival in Hawai’i.”
• Victoria Vox, songwriter, ‘ukulele star, and “mouth trumpeter” whose music has entertained on television and film, and won awards across the planet.
• Keoki Kahumoku is a fifth-generation slack key guitarist and ‘ukulele player whose music is heard on five Grammy Award-winning albums.
• Brad Bordessa is a music educator, author, performer, songwriter, and online ‘ukulele teacher who has taught and appeared with Sonny Lim, Jeff Peterson, Herb Ohta, Jr., James Hill, and others at George Keoki Kahumoku, Jr.’s Slack Key and ʻUkulele Workshop and the Hawai‘i Island ‘Ukulele Retreat.
Music scores, technique handouts, and more information on Ukes for Ukraine can be found at liveukulele.com/ukraine.