DOH Kaua‘i District Health Office Announces 8 New COVID Cases Sunday
The state Department of Health Kaua‘i District Health Office announced eight new COVID-19 cases Sunday, March 6.

Sunday’s case numbers bring the total number of active cases to 41, with three hospitalized, and 11,961 cumulative cases. Kaua‘i’s cumulative case count includes 11,880 confirmed locally, eight probable and 73 positive cases diagnosed elsewhere.
More detailed information about new cases is available on the DOH’s COVID-19 data dashboard.
Free vaccination is offered islandwide. Vaccinations are available to anyone 5 and older and are safe and effective.
For details about the island’s vaccination sites, click here.
Free testing is also available islandwide. For a full list of testing sites around the island and additional details, click here.
For more information about the county’s COVID-19 response, click here.