Kaua’i Sees Below Average Rainfall for November
All of the rain gages on Kaua‘i recorded below average rainfall totals for the month of November, with most amounts at less than 50% of average, according to the monthly precipitation summary from the National Weather Service in Honolulu.
The U.S Geological Survey’s rain gauge on Mount Wai‘ale‘ale had the highest monthly total of 17.09 inches, or 45% of average, and the highest daily total of 3.14 inches recorded Nov. 4. The Hanapēpē rain gauge tied its record for the lowest November rainfall, with only 0.50 inches, just 13% of average.
The Wainiha and Wailua Experiment Station gauges had their lowest November totals since 2012.
Although conditions have been dry recently, all of the gauges on Kaua‘i continued to have near to above average rainfall totals for 2021 through the end of November, according to the summary prepared by NWS senior service hydrologist Kevin Kodama.
Mount Wai‘ale‘ale had the highest year-to-date total of 420.32 inches, or 116% of average.
Check out maps of rainfall totals for November and year-to-date amounts online.
Conditions were generally dry throughout the main Hawaiian Islands during November. Most areas of the state had below average monthly rainfall totals in what turned out to be a rather late start to the October-April wet season.
The overall dry conditions during most of November resulted in the intensification of drought in portions of the state. For the latest drought information, refer to the Drought Information Statement by clicking here.