Kauai News

County Urges Residents to Prepare for Possible Severe Weather

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Kaua‘i County officials are telling residents to be prepared because of the threat of severe weather starting today, Monday, Dec. 6, and into Tuesday.

“We are urging the public to be vigilant as the threat of severe weather may impact the island early this week,” said Managing Director Michael A. Dahilig. “Hiking, swimming and other outdoor activities during these hazardous conditions are highly discouraged and may put you and our first responders at risk.”

Additionally, in anticipation of inclement weather, Solid Waste Division officials announced the following changes to trash services:

  • Trash collection service this week might experience interruption because of heavy rain, flooding and other impacts from the weather.
  • The Kekaha Landfill will be open starting at 7 a.m. today and accept trash from the public through the end of the day or until conditions permit.
  • Refuse transfer stations islandwide will be open during their regular business hours. However, the public is encouraged to bring in their trash by noon today in anticipation of stormy conditions.

The National Weather Service says a Kona low will bring the threat of widespread heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, capable of producing catastrophic flooding, and strong south to southwest winds through the first half of the week.


Kaua‘i and the state remain under a flash flood watch through Tuesday, meaning conditions are favorable for flash flooding. Residents and visitors should monitor the weather and be prepared to take action in the event that a flash flood warning is issued.

County, state and federal officials are monitoring the situation and actively coordinating in preparation.


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