Lane Closure Scheduled for Work on Bike/Pedestrian Path in Kapaʻa
A single-lane closure is scheduled along Kūhiʻō Highway in Kapaʻa starting Monday, Nov. 8, for work on the Lydgate Park-Kapaʻa Bike/Pedestrian path.
According to Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, the makai northbound lane of Kūhiʻō Highway between Kamoa and Ala Roads will be closed during working hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. During that time, motorists will be routed to the middle lane.
The work is scheduled to take place through Friday, Nov. 19, weather permitting. No work will occur on the Veteran’s Day holiday, Thursday, Nov. 11.
Motorists are advised to exercise caution and observe construction signage posted in the area.