Kauai News

DLIR Appointments Available for Complex Unemployment Insurance Claims

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The state Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR) will start accepting telephone appointments for complex, disputed unemployment insurance claims beginning on August 16, 2021, to allow claimants to schedule slots beginning on August 23.

The appointments will provide an opportunity for claimants to speak with DLIR claims examiners to assist with fact-finding on their claims. Claimants can request appointments through an online link that will be available here.

“The adjudication process requires detailed fact-finding and can include information provided by both the claimant as well as the separating employer,” said DLIR Director Anne Perreira-Eustaquio. “Overpayments also fall within this category of claims that require due process to make a fair and impartial determination.”

Anytime a claimant files an Initial Claim or a Weekly Claim, the possibility exists for an “issue” to be created on the claim. Anytime a claim “issue” is created it’s because a question of eligibility is raised and the claim must be adjudicated to determine the most appropriate resolution for the claim. Issues are created any time information provided on a claim conflicts with either the eligibility requirements of the UI program or if the information provided by the claimant conflicts with that of the separating employer.


Determinations of eligibility are subject to appeal by either the claimant or the employer who does not agree with the outcome. Individuals are advised to be aware that the adjudication process is separate and apart from the undisputed unemployment insurance benefits process and customer representatives within the UI Call Centers do not have access to adjudication information.

None of the benefits described above, nor unemployment benefits of any kind, are available to employees who are terminated for cause, quit their job without good cause, or refuse to return to work. Attempts to collect benefit payments in these situations could be
viewed as fraudulent. Investigation of job separation is part of the eligibility determination process.

For more information about the adjudicated claims telephone system click here. For more information about unemployment insurance and other labor issues click here.



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